
Studio Update: Helpful Art Studio Products

Studio Update: Helpful Art Studio Products

I recently spent some time creating a practical oil painting space; here are details and links to some products I found particularly useful.

Book Review: Anna Mason’s Watercolour World

Book Review: Anna Mason’s Watercolour World

A book review of Anna Mason’s Watercolour World. Anna is one of my favourite watercolour artists and influences. Here’s why I love her book!

Artist Blog, Products, & Filming – Studio Update, June 2021

Artist Blog, Products, & Filming – Studio Update, June 2021

I’ve made some progress on a few big goals! Here’s what’s coming soon from my studio.

Why write a blog?

Why write a blog?

Art takes practice, creativity takes courage, there will be some failures, and sometimes things will get messy. Remembering that makes art, and life, a lot easier.